Women Football Leagues Need An Independent Secretariat Body, Stakeholders Suggest

By: Kayiira Jackson
Uganda Women Football stakeholders suggest that the leagues especially FUFA Women Super and Elite leagues should have an independent secretariat body if the game is to move to another level in the country.
Serious women League football started in 2015 but it is mainly run by the governing body which is FUFA and it’s the Competitions department that handles a lot of competition works.
A number of women football lovers, leaders, coaches and journalists pushing for an idea of introducing an independent board that can deal directly with league matters.
“Having a league board, this should be done as soon as yesterday, the league needs to grow to move from one step to another.” Ayub Khalifah Kiyingi, U17 Women’s national team and Kawempe Muslim Ladies FC tactician said while hosted on FUFA Fm on Saturday morning, program The Touchline.

“If we need the league to grow, we need to inject in money, we don’t need to take it as a leisure thing, but this can only be achieved when we have a body particularly thinking for the league, because, if we need sponsors to come on board, we have to package our product and the board can be in good position to package it.” Outspoken tactician added.
In the same sentiment, the Development, Marketing and Media, women football working group held a zoom meeting on Friday 04th September, 2020, again the mainly discussed issue is the league to have an organization that can run it.
“The league need to be with a separate board that can run it, and it’s main role is to think for the growth of it, to search for sponsors and of course helping in the brand of the league, the league must have it’s log, and the like.” International journalist Usher Komugisha said before adding on her submission. “I normally use international leagues as a suitable example because we all follow them, in their leagues, clubs own there entity. It’s not having a body that is against FUFA but that is in full support of the federation especially the president, Eng Moses Magogo.”
Another journalist, in Hambali Jojo posed a serious question whether the women football stakeholders especially club owners are ready to take such a huge task.
However, Usher replied with a reference from AFCON.
“There is not specific time we shall be ready, we just need the idea to be ready, hey! AFCON started with three nations, now we have 24 competing in the final tourney. We just need to have face that can front the idea to top guys and the clubs to boldly take a step.”
The other issues that were discussed in the online meeting.
»» Clubs should have the mailing list for journalists who are willing to cover women football.
»» Club officials, coaches and players should change their mindsets and start seeing their game as a serious business that can make money.
»» Clubs should have active social media platforms.
»» The stakeholders should package their products, that can attract many to love the game.
»» These clubs should have countless media shows, in form of hosting them on their official handles and having visits to different media outlets.