How SC Villa Will Be Governed In New Era, Interim President Explains

By: Kayiira Jackson
The two-year interim president for Sports Club Villa, Eng William Nkemba revealed how the 16-time league champions will be governed in future.
Sports Club Villa, the legendary Ugandan football Club that came into existence in 1975 as Nakivubo Boys, have spent almost three years without full leaders since Eng Ben Emmanuel Missaga threw in towel after the 2017/18 season.
In the press conference held at Sheraton Hotel-Kampala on Wednesday 14th October, the interim president, Eng William Nkemba revealed the new structures through which the ‘Villa Park’ based side shall be governed.
Nkemba asserted that through different consultation both oral and written with people of great importance in the nation, they reached to a decision of making Sports Club Villa a community owned Club.
“Our decision to reposition and redirect the club’s ownership and governance structure is a firm foundation for generations to come.” Eng Nkemba in his opening remarks.
According to Nkemba, sports Club Villa never had a streamlined ownership until the interim governing board reached to a decision of creating Villa Members Trust that will be the owners of the club.
The Villa Members Trust shall be open to any sports club Villa supporter or Ugandan that need to support the legendary Club and to join one need to pay fifty thousand shillings(50000/-) for registration which starts on 30th October to 31st December 2020.
“The Club is introducing The Villa Members Trust club in which members will be required to pay an inaugural fee of UGX 50,000. – Eng. Nkemba William
How will Sports Club Villa be governed?
The Club Congress, (120 persons) that shall be the legislative (parliament) body of the club Club composed of paid up Villa Trust Members.
The Club executive board (11 persons), that shall be the executive body of the club composed of paid up Club members.
The Club president,(one person) that shall be elected every four years by the Villa members trust, will chair the clubs Congress, executive board and together with the board, supervise the club secretariat.
The Club CEO, employed on contract who shall head the club secretariat and whose role will be the day today running of the club, supported by other administrative and technical staff.
Nkemba also revealed that the club shall reveal the Club’s trust board on 31St October 2020.