Fresh Diary Secondary Schools Games: Kawempe, St. Noa Girls, Uganda Martyrs, Rines storm semi-final stage in girls football

It’s Wakiso versing Kampala in the semi-final stage of the 2022 Fresh Diary Secondary Schools Games in Gulu.

Uganda Martyrs High School Lubaga will face St. Noa Girls Secondary School-Zana as Kawempe Muslim face off with Rines SS.

St. Noa Girls beat Amus College 1-0 in the quarter final to book a date with Uganda Martyrs High School who eliminated King of Kings by the same score.

Miriam Ayoo scored the all wanted goal for the Zana based side against Amus in the first half to advance to this level,  while Najjuma Shamusa netted for Uganda Martyrs High School to eliminate King of Kings.

In round of 16, St. Noa Girls Secondary Schools-Zana outclassed Wakiso district champions Taggy High School Entebbe by 3-0.

Erycca Kanamunyeza scored a brace to extend her tally to nine while Nancy Mabdera scored the other for St. Noa.

Uganda Martyrs eliminated Wakiso Hill with a 2-0 win. Nalumu Sumaiyah with a direct free kick and Najjuma Shamusa scored for the Lubaga Catholic martyrs.

To reach this stage, St. Noa Girls Secondary-Zana sailed through group H as leaders with a 100% win record gunning 21 points, 41 goals and conceded once.

In the other semi final, National and FEASSSA champions Kawempe Muslim Secondary School who beat Bishops SS Mukono 1-0 face Rines SS.

Kawempe scored through Suzan Nalukoda’s header to reach semi-finals.

In the round of 16, Kawempe Muslim staged a thrilling performance against Acaba Girls in a 6-0 win.

Suzan Nalukoda scored a hat-trick, a goal from Nalumu Phiona, Hadija Nandago and Shakira Nyinagahirwa to seal a quarter final slot

Rines SS beat Kayindu 2-0 in the round of 16 before a hard fought a hard fought 3-2 quarter final win against Sacred Heart.

Phiona Arachi, Moureen Nankinga and Eva Nagayi scored for Rines to ensure a semi final slot.

Proudly sponsored by Fresh Diary, the company’s marketing manager Vincent Omoth believes the sponsorship to the tournament is of great important to the youthful competitors.

“Our sponsorship essentially serves to nurture the sporting talent of our youth while highlighting the need for health and nutrition using our products. Fresh Dairy believes in developing a complete individual in terms of Sports, Academia and Health.”

“Fresh Dairy’s products are both healthy and nutritious. They include Long life or UHT milk, Fresh Milk, Flavoured milk, milk powder, Yoghurt, butter, ghee and cream, all coming in various sizes to suit varying customer preferences.” He added.

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