Sadik Nasiwu to Lock Horns With Incumbent President Hadija Namanda in the Coming UVF Elections

The Uganda Volleyball Federation (UVF) elections have taken shape as former president Nasiwu Sadik officially declared his intentions to run for the big seat.
Nasiwu officially picked and returned nomination forms to the electoral committee to lock horns with the incumbent president Hadija Namanda.
Nasiwu has officially sent out a message to the volleyball fraternity especially the delegates which reads as follow;
“Hello folks in your respective capacities.
After personal contemplation, analysis and evaluation of the status of VB and BVB in Uganda and specifically the last 4 years. Also after individual and institutional requests, I have decided to pick the nomination form for the position of President of UVF come 31st Jan 2021 elective Congress.
While leaving the federation 4 years ago, I felt I will never make this turn, but calls in and out volleyball have obliged me.
Am willing to give VB and BVB a shot like before, the support from sports institutions local, regional and internationally am receiving, I feel like the time is now again!
We are coming with passion, sacrifice, vigor and dedication for the development of game more than before.
I take this opportunity to thank the current board, executive and president for the efforts exhibited, but more can be done! We have also leant a lot from short comings of our time and ready to adjust.
I will be reaching out to our delegates to share with them my “dreams” of VB and BVB for the forth coming 4 years and requesting them vote me and my team.” Partly reads Nasiwu sadik’s statement.
Kigundu Ahmed Abdallah has also officially picked forms to contest for the position of first Vice president.
Hadija Namanda, a multi-discipline sports administrator, volleyball player and former international referee, collected 57 votes to win the presidency when
she defeated former UVF treasurer Joseph Odong (40 votes) and former UVF technical director Eddie Okila (21 votes).
The elective assembly shall be held on 31st January 2021 at Uganda Olympic Committee (UOC) board room.
Constitution amendments, presentation and approval of commissions and financial reports, adoption of budget and appointment of auditors are on the day’s menu.