Harmony: FUFA Disputes Resolution Chamber clears Vitalis Tabu to play for Blacks Power

Forward Vitalis Tabu Abdul-Malik is finally given green light by FUFA Dispute Resolution Chamber to play for Blacks Power.
Tabu was among the ten additions for Blacks Power FC before the beginning of the second.
However, he was obscured from playing for the Lira based side for being in the Calvary FUFA connect system despite joining Blacks Power from South Sudan’s Malakia.
It’s understood that Vitalis Tabu breached a contract between him and Calvary FC before moving to South Sudan.
After being stopped to play, Vitalis Tabu petitioned the FUFA Disputes r Resolution Chamber seeking a release from Calvary.
The petition was served to Calvary FC who provided a response and supporting evidence.
As a result of the above, Calvary FC and Blacks Power FC entered an agreement for compensation payable to Calvary FC in the amount of UGX 2,000,000.
The Chamber acknowledged the agreement for both parties involved in this matter and endorsed the same.
According to the agreement, Blacks Power agreed to have the compensation fee of 2,000,000 deducted by Uganda Premier League from its Sponsorship funds for onward transmission to Calvary FC.
Gabriel Matata, Vitalis Tabu and Robert Eseru are among ten new faces Blacks Power unveiled at the beginning of the second round.
The others are Joel Malle, Isaac Tumusiime, Jackson Wabuleeta, Kenneth Lukyamuzi, Ivan Nambafu, David Omeri and Moses Odongo.
In the process, they released Bronson Nsubuga, Faizal Muwawu , Baden Mujahid Ogama, Stephen Othieno,
Mohammed Ssekeba, Francis Onekalit and Ronald Musana.