CECAFA ZONAL SCHOOLS QUALIFIERS: Sixteen schools to participate in maiden African football championship

Sixteen schools are confirmed to take part in the CECAFA Zone qualifying tournament for the maiden African Schools Football Championship.
The qualifying event will be played between 17-19 February 2023 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Royal Giant High School Mityana and Amus Collegue School will represent Uganda at the tournament.
The winners in the boys and girls category will walk away with USD 100,000, whilst, the runners-up will take USD75,000 and bronze medalists USD 50,000.
The maiden African Schools Football Championship is slated to take place April 7-9, 2023.
Schools for the CECAFA Zonal qualifiers
ECOFO Ruseno, ECOFO Gasanda (Burundi)
CEM Baulous, CEM Baulous (Djibouti)
Awaro Secondary School, Geda Roble Secondary School (Ethiopia)
St. Josephine Bakhita Primary School, Libya 1 Primary School (South Sudan)
Kiramuruzi Modern Primary School, Ecole Secondaire Sumba (Rwanda)
El Hilla Al Jadida, Al Jeel Algenina (Sudan)
Fountain Gate Dodoma Secondary, Benjamin William Mkapa High School (Tanzania)
Royal Giant High School, Amus Collegue School (Uganda)