Bika football competition: Venues for quarter-final duels revealed

Wankulukuku, Kosovo grounds Luweero and Ssaza grounds Mityana are the venues that have been confirmed to host the quarter final games of the Bika Byabaganda Football tournament
The quarter finals are to be played on a home and way basis
All the first leg quarter finals games will be played on Wednesday 2nd August and the return legs on 7th of the same month
Previous semi finalists Ffumbe will host Mbogo in the first leg at Kosovo grounds in Luweero while the return leg will be at Muteesa II Stadium Wankulukuku
Ngoonge and Omutima Omusagi will play the first leg from Ssaza grounds in Mityana before facing off at Wankulukuku for the return leg
The four aggregate winners will progress for the semi finals that will be also be played on a home and away basis
Ngo Vs Omutima Omusagi @2:00pm
Ngeye Vs Nsenene @4:00pm
Kosovo grounds Luweero
Ffumbe Vs Mbogo- 4:00pm
Mityana Ssaza grounds
Omutima Omuyanja Vs Ngoonge- 4:00pm
7th August 2ND LEG
Mityana Ssaza grounds
Omutima Omusagi Vs Ngo- 4:00pm
Kosovo grounds Luweero
Nsenene Vs Ngeye- 4:00pm
Mbogo Vs Ffumbe-2:00pm
Ngoonge Vs Omutima Omuyanja-4:00pm