UYFA annual general assembly passes 215M budget

Uganda Youth Football Association (UYFA) 17th General Assembly have passed a budget of UGX.  215,150,000 for the next financial year running from this month to September 2025.

The AGM was held on Wednesday, the 25th September 2024 at Jevine Hotel in Kampala.

At 34.86%, sponsorships are targeted to be the biggest contributor to the association‘s income.

In the second place, at 13.94% are contributions from the annual competitions. 11.62% of the income is expected to come from the UYFA-FUFA courses and 10.23% will be from registrations and membership courses.

The other contributors to the annual budget/income are FUFA – FAP which contributes UGX. 20,000,000 at 9.30%, donations, sale of merchandise, players’ registrations to the database and bank interests.

Presided over the vocal UYFA chairman Robert Kiwanuka, he lauded the great job done by members for patience, dedication and commitment done to nurture, groom and develop talents.

“Developing a talent takes a high level of patience and it also calls for commitment and dedication.

At a youth stage, we give children a platform to explore their potential at an early stage.

Under our activities, 3160 youths have been involved this year’s calendar events.

We are still challenged and disabled with equipment to foster our activities”, said Kiwanuka.

From the estimated budget, competitions will take a lion’s share of UGX. 85,000,000 at 41.39%, football development was allocated 42,000,000 taking 20.45% while in the 3rd place governance will enjoy 29,000,000 on 14.12%.

The other expenditure areas in the coming financial year are administration (25,750,000) taking 12.54% while commerce and marketing is allocated 5.21% which is 10,700,000 million.

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